“Marriage Matters.” It matters to children and homes; neighborhoods and schools; communities and governments. It matters. And it will always matter. Today, marriages are declining at an alarming rate. We’ve all heard the statistic – 50% of marriages end in divorce, but do we ever ask “why “these marriages are ending?
Nobody enters into a marriage thinking “I’m part of that 50% that will end in divorce.” Wedding days are filled with beauty and the promise of a life filled with happiness. So what happens between the wedding day and the day the divorce papers are finalized? According to pastor and teacher Tony Evans, marriages deteriorate because we have lost sight of the purpose and joy of the marriage covenant.
“Marriage Matters” examines the nature of the relationship that people enter into on the wedding day. Dr. Evans looks to the Bible and defines what a covenant is, who makes it, and what the implications are. Chaos arises when we seek to do things our way, thus the need to align ourselves according to biblical standards of marriage. Let the practical and engaging Dr. Tony Evans lead you in knowing just how much “Marriage Matters.”