Say and Pray Bible



Say and Pray Bible stories will engage toddlers as they learn about God and all the things in His world.

Simple Bible story text and colorful objects will delight little ones as they are introduced to popular Bible stories. With adorable, vibrant illustrations of six to eight items per spread, toddlers will have the opportunity to learn about God and to point to and name objects on each page as they read with an adult. Each familiar Bible story includes a Bible verse (Little Ones Say) and a short prayer (Little Ones Pray) to help hide the Word in your little one’s heart.

Say and Pray the Bible with your toddler today!

God Made the World
God made the world,
The beautiful world,
And He said, “It is very good!”
Little Ones Say
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. -Genesis 1:1
Little Ones Pray
Thank You, God, for the wonderful world You made! Amen.

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